Thursday, May 28, 2020

History Through the Lens of NASCAR

History Through the Lens of NASCAR

Free Virtual Summer Camp for Grades 7th Plus

Each year, 20 million families rely on summer camps as a way to fill the days with engaging and educational activities. But with no end in sight to U.S. social distancing, this year’s traditional summer camps are much less likely to open or have already closed.

History Through the Lens of #NASCAR

Even if social distancing restrictions loosen, many parents will continue to be concerned about exposing their kids to large groups.

Varsity Tutors will be hosting a "Virtual Summer Camp" starting on Monday (June 1st) through the end of August. Each half-day camp will be a week-long, with interactive enrichment-based classes. Plus, they'll be completely free!

One of the more unique classes is: History Through the Lens of NASCAR, which is designed for grades Seventh (7th) through Twelfth (12th). 

In the class, students will learn about the origins of #NASCAR racing and how the evolution of the sport parallels and even leads to changes in American history and culture. Students will learn about the cities that host speedways, the improvements in technology that have made racing faster and safer, and the growth of the sport and its business into its unique place in American culture today.

Remember this class is free!

Meet the Instructor

Lyndsey M. Lyndsey is a career educator with a Master's degree in education and experience teaching everything from elementary school to high school. The niece of a science fiction novelist, she loves how the genre inspires students' creativity, curiosity, and critical thinking.

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