Monday, October 16, 2017

Chante Gonzalez Vido - Betty Jane France Humanitarian Award (1 of 4)

Chante Gonzalez Vido - Betty Jane France Humanitarian Award (1 of 4)

"I think as I’ve gotten older I’ve enjoyed the camp more, because now I’ve been a counselor longer than I was a camper. Most of the volunteers are former campers. It’s always like a big family reunion.” Chante Gonzalez Vido

Chante Gonzalez Vido - Betty Jane France Humanitarian Award (1 of 4)

The NASCAR Foundation's Betty Jane France Humanitarian Award presented by Nationwide honors NASCAR fans who are also accomplished volunteers working for children’s causes in their communities throughout the United States. It's that time of year again. Four remarkable finalists are up for a $100,000 donation to the charity they represent. You can vote once a day, everyday for your favorite finalist. Voting ends November 29.

Chante Gonzalez Vido - 2017 Finalist - The Seany Foundation

Chante Gonzalez Vido - Betty Jane France Humanitarian Award (1 of 4)
Chante Gonzalez Vido and “Camp Reach for the Sky’ have some history. It goes back to her childhood, as she attended the camp, a number of years after being diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia at the age of six. When she was 18, she started doing volunteer work at the camp and has continued to stay involved – except for the time she missed in 2011, when the disease returned in another form.

This two-time cancer survivor has come to personify the outstanding service provided at Camp Reach for the Sky, a free summer camp for kids with cancer and their siblings. The camp is operated by the Seany Foundation, headquartered in San Diego, California. The Seany Foundation was founded to carry on the legacy of the late Sean Lewis Robins and his battle with Ewing sarcoma, a rare childhood cancer that affects soft tissue and bone.

Chante Gonzalez Vido - Betty Jane France Humanitarian Award (1 of 4)
Vido, a full-time elementary school teacher, is the camp’s head counselor, overseeing all activities and training and on-boarding of volunteers while also leading fundraising efforts.

Funds resulting from the Betty Jane France Humanitarian Award will support the continued offering of camp sessions at no charge, the expansion of psycho-social programs and the creation of a “junior council” to develop new camp activities and support systems.

Vote Now

The NASCAR Foundation is Dedicated to
Helping Children Live Happier, Healthier Lives.

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Tina J said...

We LOVE The Seany Foundation and Chante Gonzalez Vido!

NASCAR Race Mom said...

Thanks Tina J - great cause for sure.