Thanks to your wonderful efforts, NASCAR Race Mom is one of fourteen finalists in the semi-final round of the M&M Most Colorful Fan of NASCAR Contest.
NRM was selected as the winner of Week Five (5) in the M&M’s Most Colorful Fan competition. It would not have happened without my awesome networking buddies!
Winning the week is just the first part of this NASCAR Dream. The win qualifies me for the final round.
NRM was selected as the winner of Week Five (5) in the M&M’s Most Colorful Fan competition. It would not have happened without my awesome networking buddies!
Winning the week is just the first part of this NASCAR Dream. The win qualifies me for the final round.
The Grand Prize Winner of that round will receive $10,000.00; a three (3) day/two (2) night trip to the NASCAR Hall of Fame Museum in Charlotte, North Carolina. The trip includes the following: round-trip coach-class airline tickets from the major U.S. gateway airport nearest the Grand Prize Winner’s residence to a Charlotte, North Carolina-area airport for Grand Prize Winner and one guest. During that trip; the grand prize winner’s entry will be featured in the NASCAR Hall Of Fame! Now that would be my NASCAR Dream come true.
I would love to be able to infect the NASCAR Hall Of Fame with my philosophy of the Greatness of NASCAR blended with the Strength of the Racing Family! That was the theme of my Dale Sr. / Dale Jr. entry. This family’s heart and sacrifice amplifies the integrity of NASCAR.
Very Important

On September 27, 2010, you will have the opportunity to vote and help determine the three winners who will move on to the finals! You can vote once a day, every day until October 3, 2010.
This means that NASCAR Race Mom will have a three in fourteen chance of winning either the grand prize ($10,000 and a trip for two to the NASCAR Hall of Fame where the winning photo will be featured on display); or First Runner Up (a $2,000 Gift Card); or Second Runner Up (a $1,000 Gift Card).
This means that NASCAR Race Mom will have a three in fourteen chance of winning either the grand prize ($10,000 and a trip for two to the NASCAR Hall of Fame where the winning photo will be featured on display); or First Runner Up (a $2,000 Gift Card); or Second Runner Up (a $1,000 Gift Card).
I know that all votes are important. However, winning this one would mean so much to me. Just the thought of getting into the NASCAR Hall of Fame for a year makes me dizzy!
Needless to say, I will need your vote once a day for seven days. More importantly, I really need you to recruit your friends and family to vote for me once a day for seven days. Seven simple clicks will make the NASCAR Fantasy come true.
Needless to say, I will need your vote once a day for seven days. More importantly, I really need you to recruit your friends and family to vote for me once a day for seven days. Seven simple clicks will make the NASCAR Fantasy come true.
When we get the link; please share on your Facebook wall and with your twitter buddies. Also send this request to all your email contacts! Contact me if you have a blog; so that we can arraign an interview for your blog! Many Thanks All.
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