Henry’s sister, Isabella Williams, starting the #37KindDays250! Take Henry’s Challenge today. @37kinddays pic.twitter.com/bUqM7FGRs8— Kansas Speedway (@kansasspeedway) May 12, 2018
Tonight's #NASCAR Truck Series Race is entitled the '37 Kinds 250 - Take Henry's Challenge.' Just in case you were wondering, like NASCAR Race Mom did, below is an explanation of the race's motivation.
The Inspiration
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Henry and Bella |
Henry was an amazing and AWESOME child, who passed away unexpectedly, at the age of 12. As his parents, we always knew we had a terrific and delightful son, but after his passing, letters, cards and personal stories were shared with us about the many kind things that our son had done.He was full of happiness and joy and was a friend to everyone. His many kind actions have provided the inspiration to begin the “37 Day of Kindness.” His legacy will continue, with your help, by sharing kindness through this fun and unique challenge.Thirty-seven was Henry’s favorite number and after a bit of investigation, a good number of days to form a new habit. So, we will thank you for joining the group of people that have taken the Challenge to share kindness in our world. Thank you and may this experience enrich your life. –Keith & Cheryl-
- 1. When You Start, Register Your Wristband:
We love the idea of tracking how many people are taking the challenge, so we have provided an easy way for you to add your name to the list of people that have taken the Challenge. If you are not comfortable sharing your name, just add a nickname, or initials and your state and country. It is so FUN to see the number of people that are participating in the Challenge or have completed Henry’s Challenge. FYI, if 5,000 people take the challenge for 37 days, they will have shared 185,000 days of kindness or over 500 equivalent years!!
- 2. Wear the Wristband to Remind Yourself of the Challenge:
We are providing the wristband to help you remember the challenge to be kind. The wristband is FREE so there should be no barriers to getting one (Note: in some areas, postage may or may not be applied). If you have a large group (school, church, scout group, etc), contact us for a special bulk delivery. Also, check out the Display Box to allow others in your school, company or church to join in the FUN! - 3. Be Kind for 37 days and have FUN:
Thirty-seven days is the challenge, however, based on age or other factors, you can choose to pick just 7 days of kindness as you see fit. For instance, a 7 year old child may struggle or be frustrated with 37 days, but their life might be totally changed by just 7 days of kindness. As for FUN, we have a list of suggestions from people that have participated in the challenge and we would love to hear your experiences. See the section, “Kind Ideas”. Remember, kindness should not be a burden, but a set of FUN actions that bring you joy and the recipient of your kindness, joy and appreciation. A warm smile may be one of the most powerful ways to start.
- 4. Share the Challenge with other People: Kindness is not made to be put away in a drawer. It is also not a “Check it Off – I’m Done” activity. Kindness is a something to be shared. You were bold enough to take the challenge, so, be bold again and share your experience with other people and encourage them to “Take the Challenge”. Our goal is to simply share kindness, but if everyone encourages others to join the challenge, it will be fun to see how many communities, cities, states and countries that “YOU” have touched with your “37 Days of Kindness.” So, THANK YOU for spreading kindness throughout your community, city, state and country.
Our inspiration. ♥️ Take Henry's Challenge https://t.co/CEqy0p5mRK #37KindDays #37KindDays250 pic.twitter.com/kB0fQNrab4— 37 Days of Kindness (@37kinddays) May 8, 2018
Kind Ideas
There are tens of thousands of ways to share kindness and we suggest starting small and building as you see fit. It’s not about setting a world record but caring about others and having FUN in the process! Below you will find some fun suggestions from people that have taken the “Challenge.” If you have a “Kind Idea”, send it to us and we will try to post it on the website.
- A warm smile is a good start
- Open a door for someone
- Give someone a note of encouragement
- Pay for someone’s lunch
- Bake cookies for a neighbor, or local fire station
- Double tip for good service at a restaurant
- Let someone merge in front of you on the highway
- Bring or send flowers to a friend or neighbor
- Text someone a happy phase or emoji
- Donate to a charity
- Give water or sports drink to a worker on a hot day (Orange is AWESOME!)
- Thank a member of the military for their service and/or buy their lunch.
- Pay for the person’s order behind you in a drive through
- Mow your neighbor’s lawn
- Invite someone to sit with you and your friends during lunch.
- Visit a nursing home
- Say thank you or your welcome with more emphasis and more warmth
- Give away something of extreme sentimental value to someone else who would love to have it.
- Leave laundry money at a laundromat or apartment building for senior citizens.
- Leave free toys in a park near low-income housing with a note “Free Toys”
- Leave a note and money at a snack/soda machine.
- Call someone you know and let them know they are loved.
- Introduce someone to Henry’s Challenge that might be interested in participating!
- Take your elderly neighbor’s garbage can out on collection day. Then return it back.
- Do chores for someone when it is not your turn.
- Always encourage others in life.
- Volunteer to help out at a school, church or homeless shelter.
- Offer to return someones shopping cart …especially if they have young kids in the car.
- After a storm, pick up the branches in your neighbors yards.
- Put a small care package together for a soldier who is deployed.
- Say thank you to your coworkers more often or leave them a gift.
- Include others in your outdoor activities.
- Help others with disabilities.
- Visit someone who is home-bound – or make a daily call to let them know they are important.
Shout out to @ThorSportRacing @MyattSnider @LA_Hot_Sauce for running with the 37 in honor of Henry's Challenge! #37KindDays250 pic.twitter.com/36R32QhoFd— 37 Days of Kindness (@37kinddays) May 11, 2018
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