Multitasking is a great avenue to produce the most bang for your buck. Business are always on the hunt for the marketing that will industriously promote their new product. However, when you can do that and also support a great cause . . . . you have a winning situation.
Thurston Manufacturing Company is a forty-five-year-old company that has been providing high quality products to several different market sectors. They strive to solve problems by make things easier for their customers. That is their philosophy in regards to their new product, the ChuckWagon Mobile Grilling System (MGS).
“We were going to tailgates, and always had to load and unload the grill into the truck and everything else,” Nick Jensen, co-owner and Chief Marketing Officer of Thurston explained. “It was such a pain that we decided to come up with a way to eliminate that and make tailgating a whole lot easier. It pops up and you can be grilling in minutes. Everything fits inside the truck bed.”
Last month, at a Nebraska Cornhuskers Spring Game, the new ChuckWagon Mobile Grilling System debuted to great reviews. However, the ChuckWagon product appeared to be explicitly designed to fit into the mammoth NASCAR camping/tailgating market.
Through a mutual and long-time friend, Jim Jones from the Caring Hands Village,* Nick was introduced to NASCAR Xfinity Driver Joey Gase and his ‘Donate Life’ work.
When Joey, a Cedar Rapids, Iowa native, was just eighteen, his mother, Mary Jo,** succumbed to a brain aneurism and passed away. Joey works with ‘Donate Life’ as a way to honor his mother. He is an unwavering advocate for organ, tissue and eye donation.
A NASCAR fan, Nick Jensen seized the opportunity to sponsor Gase’s #52 Jimmy Means Chevrolet at the Charlotte Motor Speedway this weekend. What a perfect way to introduce their new product to the NASCAR fans.
“We are going to be showcasing our ChuckWagon in a couple of different spots at Charlotte” Nick stated. “We will be tailgating both on Saturday and Sunday. Since we will be moving around a bit, just like and follow our Facebook Page to keep up-to-date as to our location.”
If you are at the Charlotte Motor Speedway this weekend, stop by to check out
the new ChuckWagon Mobile Grilling System and be sure to thank Nick
Jensen and the crew for their sponsorship of Joey Gase and his quest to
promote donations for life.
"We are so excited that 'Chuck Wagon' chose our project to debut this new tailgating product! They are helping support not only Joey Gase, but also organ donation groups, TBI survivors, and all of the groups that work with them! Their generosity really touches my heart! And we all can't wait to see...and taste...the Chuck Wagon in action this weekend!" Mary Dixon (Making Dreams Reality Through Motorsports) ***
ChuckWagon Facebook
ChuckWagon Website
Caring Hands Village is there to provide healing through Nature, Peace and Tranquility. Jim Jones is a transplant recipient.
** The oldest of her children, Joey was faced with the responsibility of deciding whether to donate her organs and tissues. Mary Jo’s organs were donated and able to provide new life to a number of individuals in desperate need of a transplant.
The experience sparked a fire in Joey Gase to spread the word far and wide about the importance of organ, tissue and eye donation. His passion for sharing the message about donation rivals his passion for racing.
The experience sparked a fire in Joey Gase to spread the word far and wide about the importance of organ, tissue and eye donation. His passion for sharing the message about donation rivals his passion for racing.
*** MDRmotorsports stands for 'Making Dreams Reality Through Motorsports.' They organized a sponsorship with Joey Gase, sponsoring his rear bumper for the May Charlotte Xfinity race! This project is in cooperation with 'Caring Hands Village LLC' of North Carolina, and part of their goal is to bring publicity and awareness to the Donate Life and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) groups of North Carolina!
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